New Year, New Writing Goals
Everyone has done all the Happy New Years, so I won't. It's good to finally start getting back to normal. New Year is one of my favourite times of the year - behind only the joy of a summer holiday somewhere hot and peaceful. I love it because it always spurs in me a sense of wanting to achieve and work hard(er) at something. I make lists (I absolutely LOVE lists!) of all the things I want to do, have been putting off, or have never thought of until now, and it gives me a great sense of excitement to work towards achieving them.
2017 was a great year for me in terms of attaining some writing goals, but it has only served to make me want to up my game this year and there are many more ambitions on my list. However, I met some wonderful people (at the Bath Flash Fiction Festival for example), and with and through them started to see some results in my publishing portfolio. I have had the honour of being invited to a "Ladies Who Flash" weekend event in Bristol at the end of February and am very excited about going to it and seeing just how much further these women can push me, and what mischief (and brilliant things) we can get up to.
On my endless list of things to do this year is also to update my blog more regularly. I keep a hand written journal every day, but often neglect this one. My website is going to be treated with more loving care this year. I have already had some fantastic writers agree to take part in features on here, so look out for those in the coming months. I hope to make them fun and as diverse as possible, with a view to showcasing each writer and letting you get to know them a little better. You will be impressed with the calibre of writers that I have been lucky enough to meet and to be able to interact with and learn from.
If anyone reading this has any stories about their own writing journeys, or goals and ambitions, then I would love to hear them. You can use the comments or contact forms on this site, or email me at