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Friday Focus - Office Space, Head Space

This weekend I will mostly be sorting out my work area at home.  It’s well overdue a Spring clean, and this is just the time of the year to do it, when I can see the whites of summer’s eyes.  I love the days when the sun streams through my windows and lights everything with a glow of hope.  I need my desk to reflect a mind that is spacious and ready to do battle, so this weekend I will be filing, shredding, sorting.

I recently went on a writing retreat, and the main aim was supposed to be about tackling the list of projects for this year.  I did actually make that list, but did very little work on it.  It was far too easy to just socialise and catch up with writer friends.  We did a lot of talking about work, but very little of the actual stuff, apart from one very productive Sunday afternoon of prompts to get some ideas flowing.

My main objective for this weekend – after the clearing out of the office area – is to put the list I made into order of priority, and focus on one step at a time.  It is so easy to fall into the trap of wanting to run as fast as you can, before you have even mastered the crawling stage. It’s not always wise to rush through your projects just because you want someone to see them.  You want them to see and read them when they are properly ready and as good as they can be, so patience is key.

I will let you know on Monday how I got on with my list, and what ended up at the top of it.  Have a great weekend.

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