Monday Musings - Whose Brushstrokes Are These?
It’s been quite a full on few days since my last blog post. Last week I was talking about my workshops and on Friday night was forced into making some changes that I actually feel quite good about. Because my Saturday workshop had no takers, I cancelled it, and then got to looking at my timetable in general. I made the decision to reduce my workshops in Hanley to once every 4 weeks instead of once every 2 weeks. It’s great for me to have a day off every month (because every alternate fortnight I am at City Voices) and also, I think numbers may improve because it’s not too overwhelming a schedule for people. So let’s see what happens.
My new schedule is here, so if you feel like checking it out, please do. Each workshop will now combine elements of teaching with actual writing… there will always be time to write something. Depending on who signs up for them each month, I can also definitely be flexible with the subject matter.
This month’s Facebook Prompt, Create and Share Group is going so well! I have some great talent in there this time, and they are all writing so much! I love to read the things that they have come up with in response to my prompts. They are all so prolific this time and – and this is great to see – are commenting on each other’s writing and making suggestions, which is wonderful. Check out my Prompt Group booking page here if you want to join in with April’s one, which starts on the 1st.
Today I am gathering myself together after all this, and my trip to Manchester with hubby and mum to celebrate Mother’s Day a week early (as I will be away on Mother’s Day – more of that later in the week!). We had a lovely day drinking tea and eating Victoria sponge, trudging round the shops and then hitting Brewdog for late lunch before heading home. Mum stayed with us last night, and then she and I went to visit my dad in the care home. It turned out to be a really great visit, with him laughing a lot at our photos, and playing throw and catch with a ball with one of the care workers. A little bit of sunshine in an otherwise eclipsed world lately, and part of the mad canvas of my life. I have no clue who is holding the brush but there is some pretty mad crap being painted.
I would love to hear about what’s going on in your life at the moment. Is some mad artist painting your life, and is their hand heavy or light? Whatever you’ve got going on, I’d love to hear it. Feel free to post a comment in the box below.
Until Wednesday….

(Me and Mum at Richmond Tea Rooms, Manchester. Leaving cares behind for one day)