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Friday Focus - Greecing the Creative Brain Cells

Well, it’s been a while. Almost 4 months – yikes! But what better time and place to make a return to blogging than when in Greece in the lovely sunshine? I have breakfasted well this morning (peaches and banana with gorgeous Greek yoghurt and honey), Keith is away at the airport (where else!) and I am sitting on the balcony with this view of the sea sparkling with light, a cooing competition between wood pigeons going on nearby, trying to piece together all the bits of nonsense in my notebooks and in my head.

Today is all about submitting, because as many writers will know, 31st August is a deadline for a few things. But what I am concentrating on is Reflex Fiction. I have at least one to send, a possible second depending on an imminent yay or nay from somewhere else, and hope to write a third today. I have started it – I think.

So, off I go to do a bit of work. I will endeavour to get back to my thrice-weekly blogging if I can. My next blog, on Wednesday, will be all about getting my Novella in Flash workshops together. I am doing a series of two which will get a novella in flash well underway, and will use prompts and brainstorming to find ideas, themes, titles etc. If you are interested, or know anyone who would be, please click the link here for more information about doing it online via video, or here to come and join us at Hanley Library in Stoke. Even if you are not planning a novella in flash (although you could be by the end of the workshop!), there are always lots of prompts and writing exercises in my workshops so that you go away with new pieces started. Very important in any workshop I think.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

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