Friday Focus - Flashes of Inspiration (Hopefully)

Right: Brewdog Bristol
I am really looking forward to my trip to Bristol today for my Women Who Flash Weekend. The train journey will give me lots of thinking time, and I am planning to plot the next step with the novel. When arrive, I will be meeting fellow writer, and friend, Tracy Fells and we are going to go to Brewdog for a pizza, a pint and some chat before we head to Trinity College. Like me, she has a novel she is trying to get out there in the world. It really is not the easiest thing – and she is much further along the road with her progress as she was shortlisted in the Richard and Judy Search for a Best Seller this year! Always so tantalisingly close, and then you come up against all the roadblocks that a writer has to put up with. One thing is certain, you have to have the constitution of a rhino in this game.
I am hoping to come back from this weekend working retreat with lots of new things in the notebook and some renewed vigour. Fingers crossed.
What will you be up to this weekend? Let me know in the comments below.