Friday Focus - Meetings and Mayhem
Tomorrow it is my fortnightly City Voices meeting. This is the writing group of which I am chair. I always have a lot of adventures with them, mostly when June Palmer is away and everything seems to happen at once. Our guest, who was going to be running a workshop, has had to pull out, so I am going to be winging my way through a workshop. I always have something up my sleeve (my whole life is a creative writing prompt!) but I’ve asked some writer friends to suggest some exercises, just so they can feel new and fresh to me, too, and I will be able to create something new as well. If anyone has any bright ideas, let me know in the comments below. We have a committee meeting before the meeting proper, and we have lots to discuss about the year ahead. I can’t believe we are almost half way through 2019. There is so much ahead, some of which is planned for and organised, and some which we need to get onto and sort out. So it will be a challenge, but I do love a challenge. A bit of retail therapy afterwards and then hopefully a relaxing Saturday evening. I plan to have a good run at some writing jobs I need to do on Sunday and Monday. I recently discovered that I have forgotten what stories I have submitted to some recent comps and journals, mainly because I have not been noting them down and telling myself, ah, you’ll remember, don’t worry! Big mistake. So I need to take stock and get all that sorted. What plans do you have for the weekend?