Friday Focus - Meetings and Mayhem
Tomorrow it is my fortnightly City Voices meeting.  This is the writing group of which I am chair. I always have a lot of adventures...
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Monday Musings - Lisa Blower Book Launch
On Saturday I was very proud to host Lisa Blower at Hanley Library for a very special City Voices meeting. Lisa was reading from and...
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Friday Focus - Busy Weekend
Another week is coming to a close – time is just whizzing by. As always, I am using Friday as a focus on work and all the jobs in hand. ...
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Friday Focus - Timothy Trow Day 125th Anniversary
On April 12th 1894 a tram conductor who was working on the tram that ran along the canal on London Road (neither tram line nor canal...
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Wednesday Witterings - The Magical Seven Weeks
This week the sun has been shining a bit, and when I awoke on Monday I heard the blackbird singing in the street for the first time this...
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Friday Focus - Onwards
Another mega busy week is drawing to a close. I can’t believe we are a quarter of the way through the year already. There is so much to...
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Reflecting on City Voices
One of the great things about being involved with City Voices Stoke is the great variety of writers we have in the group. We have people...
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Making Connections at City Voices
I have loved every minute of my time at City Voices since I joined this year. I can hardly believe I have been there for a full six...
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Inspiring Script Writing Workshop
I have had lots of blog posts planned and almost ready to go for ages now, but for one reason or another have never been able to get...
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A Crazy Time in Croatia
This June, while I was in Croatia on my annual sun holiday with Keith (the picture here is our view of the gorgeous sunset from a meal in...
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