A Great Start

I am very excited to say that DublinWriter Creative Writing Services is well and truly launched, and my first official paid workshop was held last Saturday 12th January with no less than seven participants. As you can see from the photo, people were creating away, and it was a pleasure to host them and to hear what they came up with in the class. I got some great feedback too, which was wonderful.
I will be doing two more workshops this week - one at West End Methodist Centre and Cafe on Monday 21st at 1pm (Let's Create - Time to Write), and one at City Central Library Hanley on Saturday 26th (What is Flash Fiction?). All are welcome. Click on the workshop tabs in the menu bar above.
Also currently running is my first Facebook Prompt, Create and Share Group, and my one student is really working hard and creating a lot of fab pieces. She has booked onto the next month's group too, so I must be doing something right! Please consider joining us and the other writer who will be taking part in February, by clicking on the Facebook Prompt tab in the menu bar above. The session runs for 28 days and starts on Monday 4th Feb. I will post 3 prompts a day for the first week, then you create and post at your own pace for the remaining three weeks. You could have up to 21 pieces by the end of the month, and will get feedback from myself and from the others in the group. It's a great way to discipline yourself to producing, but there is very little pressure and posting is optional.
I have lots of other services available, including reading and feedback, and One on One Video sessions for all my current workshops (at a mutually agreed date and time) so you don't need to live in Stoke to "attend" one of my workshops. I also have discounts for multiple workshops/services bought in advance (15% discount for 5 workshops and 25% for 10). More details on the discount page.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me in setting up DublnWriter Creative Writing Services. I look forward to working with you all.