Wednesday Witterings - And We're Off!
Now that 2019 is fully fledged, I can report that I am starting to get into the swing of things at last. I am starting to get a routine going as regards updating my website, planning my workshops and Facebook Group, and just managing my time really. I suddenly realised that it is important to have a schedule organised, especially as I am hoping to increase interest in my online services – in particular the video workshops that I plan to do. More of that later, but in the meantime you can check them out (and book one!) here.
I plan to update my Blog three times a week (lack of any life disasters permitting) as follows:
Monday – chat and info about my workshops and any of my services, plus City Voices Writing Group News etc. (Monday Musings)
Wednesday – personal stuff (travel, home etc) (Wednesday Witterings)
Friday – my weekend plans and writing goals (Friday Focus)
Having these three updates every week will help keep me focussed and on track to achieving all the things that I need to do this year. I have a plan for 2019 and where I want to be by the end of it. I am hoping that you will come with me on that journey and help me celebrate any minor or major goals that I achieve. What are those goals? Watch this space.
Have a great week!